Know Before You Go
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a Guided Tour?
This is a self-guided tour. We have staff and volunteers in the Center on each level to share the recommended path and additional insights.
Is the Center open every day?
The Center is open 10:00 am -4:00 pm Tuesday through Saturday (closed Sunday & Monday). The last guests will be admitted no later than 3:00 PM to allow adequate time to explore the space. Please check the calendar for available days.
What is the dress code?
Casual attire is just fine. We do recommend comfortable shoes.
Can I bring Food & Drink into the Center?
Please help us keep the Center clean by not taking any food or drink into the exhibit galleries, unless granted for a private event.
Can I take photos and videos of the exhibits?
Please no photography or videography in the exhibit galleries.
Are pets allowed?
Pets are not allowed.
Can I bring my backpack/large shopping bags?
Yes. We prefer you leave them in the car, but if that is not an option, we ask that you be aware there are some tight spaces in the Center. At the Center’s discretion, prior to entry, we may ask to do a search of your bag.
I have some concerns about loud noises or pictures that may be distressing. I would like to ask some specific questions about the exhibits before I visit.
We would be happy to answer any question and address any concern you have. We understand this may not be a conversation you want to have in front of a crowd. Please reach out to our customer service team at our phone number or email.
Is the Center kid-friendly?
Yes, we believe the entire family will enjoy the exhibits and living history. There are some video elements with loud noises and some photos that may be hard for very young kids. Let our onsite staff & volunteers know your concerns so they can help you have the best possible visit.
Do you offer Group discounts?
YES! Want to bring your church group or the history club from school or just your extended family? 12 or more people offers you a discounted price of just $10 per person. You must reserve a specific time with our ticketing staff to make sure you get in together.
Are bathrooms available on the tour?
There are a limited number of bathrooms in this historic building.
Is parking available at the Center?
Yes, there is a paid lot behind the building. Tour buses are welcome as well.
Are there prohibited items I should be aware of?
Thanks for asking. Yes, smoking of any type is prohibited in the building, on the back stairs and the front porch. This includes e-cigarettes & vaping devices.
Weapons are not permitted in the Center. This includes concealed weapons and pocketknives.
Skateboard, razor scooters, hoverboards, etc, should be left outside the Center.
Still have a question?
Please reach out to our customer service team by phone (615-640-8111) or EMAIL.
The 1st and 2nd floors of the Center are accessible for wheelchair users via the platform lift. Staff members are happy to assist with this platform lift, as needed. The 3rd floor History Lab experience is offered to wheelchair users on the 1st floor, near the front desk.